Note. If you cannot use your account in this gadget(totally blank page), check that if you hidden your profile in your account settings. For people who want to hidden the profile, please use NSID in the gadget instead.
2010-3-2 - Because I can't ensure the stability of my own server, I am going to transfer this gadget to Google's hosting. The new url is "http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/107455720616824001442/flickr_google.xml". Please make the change to your iGoogle/blogger/site. Thanks.
S Kiekbusch wrote a Flickr module Fresh Flickr Widget for Google Personalized Homepage (iGoogle). I tried to impove it by adding more changeable options include "editable title", "photo size", "photo count", "random/latest display", "tag", and "auto refresh".
I also changed the css styles:
- When the mouse is over a photo, borders will appear around the photo.
- There are spaces between photos.
- After clicking a photo, it will open the link to a new window.
- A scrollbar will appear if it exceeds the space provided.
By the way, Google gadget can also be added to people's webpages. Go here to find out the code. The embedded gadget should be like as follow :
The other way to embedded this gadget into a blog or webpage is add the follow codes:
Be sure to change the usrname in "up_username=yehyujung" from "yehyujung" to anyone you want.
Change log
2009-6-13 - I have made some chages to this gadget, the photo refresh should be more smooth now. Besides, the i18n function has been re-added in.2009-6-3 - Because Google is going to close "Google Page Creator", the Gadget can not host there any more. Now, it was moved to http://www.chinson.idv.tw/flickr_google.xml.
2007-11-21 - I disabled the i18n function. Four language versions of this gadget are provided individually on the top. It may solve the temporally unavailable problem.
2007-10-11 - Few days ago, I found that there is an "i18n strategy" in Google Gadget. Now I provide en, ja, zh-TW and zh-CN language files. iGoogle will auto select the language file depending on its language setting. The English version of language file(xml) is here for someone who wants to translate it to other languages. Please email me the file if someone makes the translation.
2007-09-25 - I made a change last week. It uses json format instead of xml format when retrieving data from Flickr.(Because a character problem for Chinese title.)
2007-09-04 - A bug has been fixed to make "latest" function working as before.
2007-08-30 - It truly shows random photos in one page.2007-09-04 - A bug has been fixed to make "latest" function working as before.
2007-08-30 - It truly shows random photos in one page.
2007-03-12 - Recently, a lot of white spaces appeared in front of photos in the module. I don't know why it did not happen before. However I still fixed it today. Everything should go well after google refreshes the xml file.
2006-09-07 - Fix a bug in hyperlink for those people who have Flickr usernames with space characters. The hyperlink now uses user's nsid in url instead of username. Besides, I provide a UDRT version that people can set their own refresh timer in sec. Remember that setting the refresh time to non numeric character stops the refresh. Thanks for Aster Cheng's notification and suggestion.
2006-08-10 - Hyperlink on title bar now bring you to the flickr photostream with the Screen Name. Each image now has a hyperlink to its web photo page on flickr.
2006-08-08 - Finally, this module supports screen name well now. A difference is that it randomly retrieves continuous photos in the photostream at each time. The old version has been moved to http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google_old.xml
ps. it no longer uses Flickr's badage, instead, it uses Flickr API to retrieve photos.
2006-07-17 - The screen name supproted version is bugged and I don't know how to fix it. Now the old version is supplied.
2006-07-06 - Now support screen name. Users can choose to use screen name or user id. The old version has been moved to http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google_old.xml
2006-06-29 - My own server is not stable these days, therefore the xml url has been changed to "http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google.xml". Original url will be dead soon.
2006-06-22 - Add a option to refresh automatically.
2006-06-20 - I made some changes today.
The other way to embedded this gadget into a blog or webpage is add the follow codes:
<iframe id="1" style="width: 100%; display: block;" src="http://1.blogger.gmodules.com/gadgets/ifr?container=blogger&v=bb425dd415f59f2dbcb4e450c06e20e4%E2%8C%A9=de&country=ALL&view=default&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_user_method=username&up_username=yehyujung&up_userid&up_count=8&up_size=s&up_display=random&up_tags&up_interval=no&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhosting.gmodules.com%2Fig%2Fgadgets%2Ffile%2F107455720616824001442%2Fflickr_google.xml&mid=1" name="1" frameborder="0" height="130"></iframe>
Be sure to change the usrname in "up_username=yehyujung" from "yehyujung" to anyone you want.
Change log
2009-6-13 - I have made some chages to this gadget, the photo refresh should be more smooth now. Besides, the i18n function has been re-added in.2009-6-3 - Because Google is going to close "Google Page Creator", the Gadget can not host there any more. Now, it was moved to http://www.chinson.idv.tw/flickr_google.xml.
2007-11-21 - I disabled the i18n function. Four language versions of this gadget are provided individually on the top. It may solve the temporally unavailable problem.
2007-10-11 - Few days ago, I found that there is an "i18n strategy" in Google Gadget. Now I provide en, ja, zh-TW and zh-CN language files. iGoogle will auto select the language file depending on its language setting. The English version of language file(xml) is here for someone who wants to translate it to other languages. Please email me the file if someone makes the translation.
2007-09-25 - I made a change last week. It uses json format instead of xml format when retrieving data from Flickr.(Because a character problem for Chinese title.)
2007-09-04 - A bug has been fixed to make "latest" function working as before.
2007-08-30 - It truly shows random photos in one page.2007-09-04 - A bug has been fixed to make "latest" function working as before.
2007-08-30 - It truly shows random photos in one page.
2007-03-12 - Recently, a lot of white spaces appeared in front of photos in the module. I don't know why it did not happen before. However I still fixed it today. Everything should go well after google refreshes the xml file.
2006-09-07 - Fix a bug in hyperlink for those people who have Flickr usernames with space characters. The hyperlink now uses user's nsid in url instead of username. Besides, I provide a UDRT version that people can set their own refresh timer in sec. Remember that setting the refresh time to non numeric character stops the refresh. Thanks for Aster Cheng's notification and suggestion.
2006-08-10 - Hyperlink on title bar now bring you to the flickr photostream with the Screen Name. Each image now has a hyperlink to its web photo page on flickr.
2006-08-08 - Finally, this module supports screen name well now. A difference is that it randomly retrieves continuous photos in the photostream at each time. The old version has been moved to http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google_old.xml
ps. it no longer uses Flickr's badage, instead, it uses Flickr API to retrieve photos.
2006-07-17 - The screen name supproted version is bugged and I don't know how to fix it. Now the old version is supplied.
2006-07-06 - Now support screen name. Users can choose to use screen name or user id. The old version has been moved to http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google_old.xml
2006-06-29 - My own server is not stable these days, therefore the xml url has been changed to "http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/flickr_google.xml". Original url will be dead soon.
2006-06-22 - Add a option to refresh automatically.
2006-06-20 - I made some changes today.
Thank you for the nice work. I have seen a number of flickr modules for google, but found none so neat.
If I am allowed some remarks, I think to remember that in the previous version clicking on the title bar brought me in my flickr account, not in your blog. I feel I liked the previuos behaviour better. Now that I remember, the photos used to be clickable also.
I thought the hyperlink to flick is not needed. Thus, I didn't add it when I re-wrote the module.
Thanks for your comment and suggestion. I will implement them later.
Hi there,
I really like this. One imporvement would be to make the random selection truly random, at the moment it picks photos next to each other in the sequence of my account. I agree, a hyperlink to each photo's page on Flickr would be great, but I'm very pleased with it as it is. Well done!
Hi Matt,
It's glad to know that you like my gadget. :)
By the way, I am considering your suggestion.
Very nice gadget. I like it very much Chinson. Keep it up.
You are a golden God of the internet. Thanks for making this flickr photos iGoogle gadget. I use it every day with my home page from Google Apps.
I have the gadget set where it shows the latest pictures from my Flickr account. In the last couple of days, I am getting random pictures from my account, not the newest. I have the settings set on newest, but still not working. Any ideas? Thanks for an awesome gadget!
To jmh139:
Hi, thanks for your comment. This is a bug since last update. I have fixed it. Please force to reload the bug fixed gadget.
Chinson, the fix works perfectly. Thanks for your FAST attention. This is my favorite Google Gadget by far.
I'm very happy to hear that. :D
Nice piece of work!
hi chinson
Thanks for the google gadget - its great! one question - is there a way to embed this gadget into a website? It's just what I'm looking for and all the other website embedding flickr gadgets out there are complicated slides shows. would be grateful for any feedback :-)
Thanks again, Helen
Hi Helen,
As I just edited today, there is a webpage to produce some codes to embed the gadget into a webpage. It looks like as I made in this page(see above) and you can change the style(a little). This is the only way I know.
Hope it helps.
Really enjoy this gadget!
It seems that I see the same photos over and over. How can I make the new photos I have uploaded show up.
Hi Howard:
Make sure your photos are set as public in Flickr. Then choose "Latest" in "Display" will show up the latest uploaded photos.
nice work!
Found a very minor bug you might want to fix:
Set the Count to 1 and Photo Size to Medium and one consistently gets error:
Locale: bad or missing messages: http://chinsonyeh.googlepages.com/ja_ALL.xml
To Stor,
It looks like a temporally unavailable problem of ja_ALL.xml file. This gadget is locating on Google pages. It has bandwidth limitation which may cause temporally unavailable to any files. I am considering to change the web space to put my gadget. Thanks for your suggestion. : )
Hello, I just discoverd the use of the Google pages and gadgets. I use Flick and want to have this gadget on my page but it does not display my pictures. I read your blog and found my NSID but still no pictures. My profile is set for everyone to see, including my email and user ID. I have a pro account, does that matter? Any suggestions?
Hi svaughan,
Do you set your flickr photos public to everyone? This gadget can't read private photos.
Hi, yes all but a couple of them. They are way down the list though. Do you think that is causing the problem?
Have no idea now.
How about email or post your flickr url?
Maybe I could find out where the problem is.
Hello Chinson, my Flickr URL is http://www.flickr.com/photos/svaughan/
In the gadget I used usre type NSID 7474631@N05, which is mine. In my user name I use svaughan.
In the other settings I have tried several, right now count of 4 small photo's random, refresh 15.
Thank you for helping, it's a neat gadget
Hi, I found the problem.
Because Flickr uses "screen name" as the username, your username is not "svaughan".(I was also confused, and I will chage the menu.) That means your username should be "Steve Vaughan". However, to use it in my gadget, you should replace the space between two words as "+". So, you should use " Steve+Vaughan" as your username in my gadget.
I have tried and it works. :D
By the way, your NSID is not that one.
It should be "22847639@N00".
Oh Wow, thats cool. For my NSID I searched the net and found something that showed how to get it, but maybe I did it wrong. Anyway, thanks for the Tips, it works great.
Works fine!
Is there any way to add this to the old blogger template style?
To pieter,
If you follow this page, you will get a line of HTML codes like :
<script src="it_is_a_very_long_url"></script>
It should be no problem to add it into the old blogger template.
How come there are hundreds of flickr gadgets, but only a dozen which let you display your own tagged photos??? isn't that what everybody wants?
i've tried five now, and yours is the best looking and most customisable, so i'm sticking with you.
To Andrew:
Thanks for your comment.
It's nice to hear that. :-)
my gadget works great, love it
thank you ssphotoshop
check it out sometime
igoogle page-ssphotoshop
Hi Chinson,
have the old version had. Your version shows your pictures from your blog. Why?
To Jacktels Kochbuch,
Hi, not really understand your question.
As the gadget was added into iGoogle, my Flikr account is set by default. The pictures are from my Flickr. You can change the Flicr account (by changing the screen name or NSID) to yours or anyone's.
Hi Chinson,
I understood. The tool shows me only your Flickr photos. Code has been complet change.Schade seems. I have loved this tool.
I put the gadget to another times. Look in my blog.
Greetings from Nuremberg
To Jacktels Kochbuch,
Could you show me the gagdet's url you used now? I didn't change the code for a long time.
As there are some different versions (some are extented version by other people) in Google's gagdet database, I have to make sure which one you used.
Hi Chinson
here the link. Gadget is now in my blog integrated.Man only see your images.
Greetings from Nuremberg Jacktel
To Jacktels Kochbuch,
I have checked the html codes in your blog. The iframe tag is as follow. There is a setting : "up_username=chinson". Have you tried to change "chinson" to your flickr's screen name?
<iframe frameborder='0' height='1200' id='1' name='1' src='http://1.blogger.gmodules.com/gadgets/ifr?container=blogger&v=bb425dd415f59f2dbcb4e450c06e20e4&lang=de&country=ALL&view=default&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_user_method=username&up_username=chinson&up_userid&up_count=6&up_size=s&up_display=random&up_tags&up_interval=no&url=http%3A%2F%2Fchinsonyeh.googlepages.com%2Fflickr_google.xml&mid=1&mid=1&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fjacktelskochbuch.blogspot.com%2F#rpctoken=4978132834536525803&up_userid&up_interval=no&up_size=m&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_username=jacktel&up_count=200&up_user_method=username&up_tags&up_display=random' style='width: 100%; display: block'>
Hi Chinson,
yes, I have Chinson in Jacktel geändert.In the preview, I see my photos.
After saving your pictures will only appear
Greeting Jacktel
Hi Jacktels Kochbuch,
You shouldn't have "chinson" in the username setting.
I have add the iframe codes to my blog. You can see it at top.
I have changed the "up_username=chinson" to "up_username=yehyujung", and the gadget shows only yehyujung's photos now.
Hi Chinson,
definitely not. I write purely jacktel. After the store, I see in my blog chinson.Das only gadget I have been using 3 months and has always works.Since 1 weeks no longer
I think this is not the gadget's problem here. Maybe you should find out why the blog can't store your setting correctly.
How do you produce the iframe codse? Manually or automatically by other webpage?
Hi Chinson,
this is difficult. I have nothing on my blog since 4 weeks changed.
On 19.05.2009, my gadget just shows your photos.
Have Gadget repeatedly inserted and deleted. Each time the same
Greeting Jacktel
Hi Chinson,
have discovered the following.
Chinson link in the email will lead to my Profile.
any Ideas
Hi Jacktels Kochbuch,
I found there are two "&up_username=" in the HTML. Please make sure they are all set to your flickr account.
Hi Chinson,
I only have a Flickr account and a user name
The link in the mail Chinson leads to my profile and not your. Wy?
Hi Jacktels Kochbuch,
Please try the following code in your blog.
<iframe frameborder='0' height='1200' id='1' name='1' src='http://1.blogger.gmodules.com/gadgets/ifr?container=blogger&v=bb425dd415f59f2dbcb4e450c06e20e4&lang=de&country=ALL&view=default&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_user_method=username&up_username=jacktel&up_userid&up_count=6&up_size=s&up_display=random&up_tags&up_interval=no&url=http%3A%2F%2Fchinsonyeh.googlepages.com%2Fflickr_google.xml&mid=1&mid=1&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fjacktelskochbuch.blogspot.com%2F#rpctoken=4978132834536525803&up_userid&up_interval=no&up_size=m&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_username=jacktel&up_count=200&up_user_method=username&up_tags&up_display=random' style='width: 100%; display: block'> </iframe>
I don't share my profile, thus it won't link to mine. When I click on the "Chinson" link, it link to an error page.
Hi Chinson,
I have made. Is it possible to show more photos?
Hi Jacktels Kochbuch,
ya, its possible.
Before that, because there are some unnecessary code in it, I have modified it.(shoter)
You will find "up_count=6" in the code. Change "6" to any number you need.
<iframe id="1" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; display: block" src="http://1.blogger.gmodules.com/gadgets/ifr?container=blogger&v=bb425dd415f59f2dbcb4e450c06e20e4&lang=de&country=ALL&view=default&up_title=Flickr+Photos+-+English&up_user_method=username&up_username=jacktel&up_userid&up_count=6&up_size=s&up_display=random&up_tags&up_interval=no&url=http%3A%2F%2Fchinsonyeh.googlepages.com%2Fflickr_google.xml&mid=1" height="120" name="1">
Hi Chinson,
worked. Thank you for the nice help
Greeting from Nuremberg Jacktel
nope :)
Hi Chinson,
Thanx for a useful Google Gadget! I'm using it on Blogger and lately it has had the same error as Jacktels describes: No matter how I update the gadget through the blogger layout interface, I get your images in the result.
The reason is, as you've commented already, that all up_ parameters are given twice - first with your default values, second with the settings from the layout.
If you haven't changed anything, then it must be the way Blogger integrates the gadget in my page. I got it to work by replacing the code inside the html with the iframe-snippet you provided... it would however be a lot nicer if I could use the Blogger layout feature instead. Can you fix it?
Hi, Jonas
As I tried, the gadget configuration tool in blogger read the "default value" as the functional value. I think this is an error from the gadget configuration tool thus I can't fix it. Maybe we should contact with Google team to find out what happened here.
Hey Chinson,
I love the gadget for showing Flicker photos but I'm having the same problem as other. I didn't change anything on Blogger but now all I'm getting is your photos..I tried to edit html but couldn't find the code. Maybe I need to make another gadget and just use the HTML you have listed. Anyway, something to look into.
I'm having a bit of trouble too, it is showing your photos not mine.
Dear all "Blogger" user,
As this problem seems to happen only on my gadget, I will try to figure out "why" when I am free.
Thanks :)
Hi Chinson
Thanks for sharing your gadget. it is indeed a very good work and nice idea.
Salman, Thanks :)
It does not work. I keep getting the error: "Cannot retrieve photos. Please make sure your NSID is valid."
But my NSID *is* valid. I am 100% positive about that.
I have tried setting it to username instead, but that does not work either.
thnx for sharing
I always found this the best flickr slideshow for igoogle. Unfortunately when I have tried to reinstall it, google says that this is no longer available. Are you aware of the problem Chinson and will you be able to fix it? I really miss seeing my photos appearing in my igoogle page!
Hi Richard:
It looks like my server is down. However I can't reache it for couple days. I will fix it as soon as possible.
hello chinson,as google is going to do away with igoogle this gadget would be useless ,i have this on my igoogle page .i would like this to move to my google calendar side bar ,but its too big to fit in there would you please modify this gadget to fit it in to google calendar. Thanks
Note. If you cannot use your account in this gadget(totally blank page), check that if you hidden your profile in your account settings. For people who want to hidden the profile, please use NSID in the gadget instead. alaskafishingtripdeals.com/best-place-buy-instagram-followers/
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